Sunday, November 14, 2010

i have a dream, a song to sing.....

i decided, rapping not my thing, obviously you know that already....okaaaay.
instead......poems....poetry.....=moi, duhh obviously.

i have a rhyme, and if you have a little time, just read it out loud, cos im really proud, of what ive done, and so does my uncles son, ive won a nobel prize, which is a quarter of my size,
but now i realize this was all a dream, and all my poetry is falling out at the seams, of my fluffy pillow thats white, my moment is dull and never bright, oh wait im kidding thats not right, i'll make this correct for i will fight, until i lose my sight.

lets face it IM AMAZING!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What the heck are you waiting for?

look i have a role play i made up! every line starts with Oh!

man 1: Oh my goshies, its the ice cream man, yay yay yay
man 2 : Oh im the ice cream man. the ice cream man, the iceeeeeee creeeeam maaaaaaaaaaan
man 1: Oh my goshies your my hero
man 2 : Oh, ye i know
man 1 : oh my goshies how did you know
man 2 : Oh im a vampire shhsh dont tell anyone
man 1: Oh i promise lalalalalalallalalaallalalala oh my goshies

wasnt that just the best thing you have ever seen, i know, i know im gonna win a grammy!
i'd like to thank my followers for always being there for me, thank you thank you

Sunday, August 15, 2010

yo alc

hey ya'll im backk from camp and im lovinggg itttttttttt!

i wanna buy some baby doll shoes. ( as they say ballet flats in Pittsburg )

i have a rap for the camp called ALC

yo alc all you guys with me
you have to come to see
bub got stung by a bee
i hit a tree
now i really have to pee
so now im gonna flee


Friday, July 16, 2010

the title is title

hey, this is "All-star Weekend" and we are gonna "Dance Forever".
so "Hey you" to you to "Jonas brothers" cos my head is spinning "Round and Round" just like "Selena Gomez".
hahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhaaah "awkwaaaaaaaaaaaard!"

so leaving for summer camp tomorrow so i wrote a rap:

one fine morning pair of parents said,
hey little girl we're shipping you of to maine instead...
of taking you to switzerland,
to meet Dracula Vitzerland,
no need to cry,
oh who am i kidding *sigh*
The end

Anonymous ( im stupid i wrote earlier that i wrote a rap hahahhhahah AWKWARD! )

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rap the holswith bells of holly falalalalalalal....

all you sicko's out there and coolio's. you all just jelous cos you aint cool as me. WORD..RESPECT!
Im gonna rock right now, im gonna rock right now, rock vampires ,cmon,rock werewolves , cmon, Oh oh oh ohohoh say oh oh oh oh ohoho

Im gonna do big things....cos im gonna be a rapper.

so one little girl walked up to me,
she asked me if she could have a cherry,
i said no and she dissapeared,
i cried and cried and cried, i say WORD!

my album is called the secret life of the highly ignored.

out stores today!

Im in love with myself

you know im in love with .....myself! im so gorgeus and cool and amazing and fun and you know what lets shut me up cos i have no idea what im talking about!so....yeah you know my parents are making me go to this really weird boarding school called panama society waylon boarding academy! not ! they dont want me to go to boarding school even though im begging! plus there's no school called panama society waylon boarding academy even thogh it would be riges if there was one ( Ri-jess i like that word riges,riges,RIGESSSSS! )so yeah this is so totally riges...if you think im cool,riges, or so mentally challenged or none of the above then well become a follower. and if you dont think any of those things then i hate you...but still become a follower!i love myself...once again HAS NO IDEA WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!

you wanna know something.....

i found something out today...Im a retard!I have no friends no one...WHO AM I the most popular girl in the world! once again not! but i do rock your socks off!You know i really liked miley cyrus before but now im really dissapointed! i know shes tries to get away from you know....HANNAH MONTANA...but still i meand you dont wear underwear when you sing, well actually you do but what i meen is only UNDERWEAR! you get it only tu comprendo??